Orders will ship out the following Tuesday and Friday mornings! Please note- custom wild rags may take 5-7 weeks for shipping.

36” Aztec Prints

The Belt Creek

MT Wild Rags

Regular price $35.00
The Belt Creek

The gorgeous Wild Rag is handcrafted from a soft silky peachskin. This material was specifically chosen as it is not only beautiful, warm, moisture wicking, durable (it will not break down over time like silk does) and it is machine washable! All of our Wild Rags have a Lifetime Guarantee on the hem for craftsmanship issues. 

The belt creek is roughly 80 miles long. This creek runs from the heart of the little belt mountain and runs until it joins the Missouri River. This means that it flows past Monarch, through the Sluice box state park, all the way to Armington and Bely. Parallel to this creek happens to be a paved highway!


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